
WP_Query Object
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                                    [5] => 23
                                    [6] => 8
                                    [7] => 21
                                    [8] => 19
                                    [9] => 20
                                    [10] => 22



            [meta_query] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => is_portfolio
                            [value] => 0
                            [compare] => =
                            [type] => NUMERIC


            [s] => Northern Pines

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                                    [7] => 21
                                    [8] => 19
                                    [9] => 20
                                    [10] => 22



            [meta_query] => Array
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                            [key] => is_portfolio
                            [value] => 0
                            [compare] => =
                            [type] => NUMERIC


            [s] => Northern Pines
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            [m] => 
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            [author_name] => 
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            [category__and] => Array

            [post__in] => Array

            [post__not_in] => Array

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            [tag_slug__and] => Array

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            [author__not_in] => Array

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                    [1] => wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}'

            [taxonomy] => categories
            [term_id] => 7
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                            [terms] => Array
                                    [0] => 7
                                    [1] => 9
                                    [2] => 10
                                    [3] => 16
                                    [4] => 18
                                    [5] => 23
                                    [6] => 8
                                    [7] => 21
                                    [8] => 19
                                    [9] => 20
                                    [10] => 22

                            [field] => term_id
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            [table_aliases:protected] => Array
                    [0] => wp_term_relationships

            [queried_terms] => Array
                    [categories] => Array
                            [terms] => Array
                                    [0] => 7
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                                    [2] => 10
                                    [3] => 16
                                    [4] => 18
                                    [5] => 23
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                                    [7] => 21
                                    [8] => 19
                                    [9] => 20
                                    [10] => 22

                            [field] => term_id


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    [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object
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                    [0] => Array
                            [key] => is_portfolio
                            [value] => 0
                            [compare] => =
                            [type] => NUMERIC

                    [relation] => OR

            [relation] => AND
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            [has_or_relation:protected] => 

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  wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (25,7,13,9,10,14,8,11,12,21,19,16,20,18,22,23)
) AND (((wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}') OR (wp_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}') OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}')) AND ((wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}') OR (wp_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}') OR (wp_posts.post_content LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}')))  AND (wp_posts.post_password = '')  AND ( 
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) AND ((wp_posts.post_type = 'projects' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled')))
					 GROUP BY wp_posts.ID
					 ORDER BY (CASE WHEN wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' THEN 1 WHEN wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' AND wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' THEN 2 WHEN wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' OR wp_posts.post_title LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' THEN 3 WHEN wp_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' THEN 4 WHEN wp_posts.post_content LIKE '{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}Northern Pines{4f73f784e92350e485cb4963b5d908aa8660b05e9286c4a0e211baeead78f3b7}' THEN 5 ELSE 6 END), wp_posts.post_date DESC
    [posts] => Array
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                    [post_date] => 2024-04-14 18:01:03
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-04-14 18:01:03
                    [post_content] => Modern - Addition/Renovation
                    [post_title] => Northern Pines
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            [post_author] => 1
            [post_date] => 2024-04-14 18:01:03
            [post_date_gmt] => 2024-04-14 18:01:03
            [post_content] => Modern - Addition/Renovation
            [post_title] => Northern Pines
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    [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => about
            [1] => an
            [2] => are
            [3] => as
            [4] => at
            [5] => be
            [6] => by
            [7] => com
            [8] => for
            [9] => from
            [10] => how
            [11] => in
            [12] => is
            [13] => it
            [14] => of
            [15] => on
            [16] => or
            [17] => that
            [18] => the
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            [20] => to
            [21] => was
            [22] => what
            [23] => when
            [24] => where
            [25] => who
            [26] => will
            [27] => with
            [28] => www

    [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => query_vars_hash
            [1] => query_vars_changed

    [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => init_query_flags
            [1] => parse_tax_query
